1.What are your short and long-term goals?
No one can make goals for you. It comes down to where you are in your professional life and what you want to do. Most people have 5-6 careers in their working lifetime,some with 2 careers going at the same time (like us). The best advice is to be certain to relate your answers to the organization that interviews you. Do not make a point of having goals that cannot be realized. No one is going to come back to you in five years and chastise you for not meeting these goals! You will not be held to them, it is only an interview and they are interested in how you see yourself (and they want to see you in the job.)
2. Tell us about your analytical skills?
This should be easy if you have done a realistic skill inventory for yourself, listing what skills you do have and how you can offer proof of this skill (where you learned it, last used it). Working off your inventory, focus on various analytical skills and match them to the skills you feel are most important for the job you are considering. You can now give specific examples of skills you can offer. (Do not neglect skills obtained in extracurricular activities, such as volunteer work.)
3. Tell me about a time when you tried and failed?
Preparing to answer this question requires a 2-step preparation: assessing your skills and researching the needs of the company. An integral part of skill assessment (looking at your own experience, education and talents) is to 'skill-match'. Considering the job opening, what are the skills needed? Make a list of the requisite skills (in priority order) and then list concrete examples of your possession of the skill. For example: a sales representative would need good interpersonal skills, the ability to deal with difficult people. For 'proof' of this skill, you could list experiences and examples of how you were successful in a difficult situation. These matched skills are your key selling points. Next, what appears to be the current problems at the organization, based upon your research? What are their needs that you can meet? In other words, given the specifics of the company, what value can you add? After these two steps, you are in a great position to come up with concrete examples of what you can offer the company. This question, by the way, is just another version of "Why should we hire you?". In the interview, when asked this question, you could respond with: "In my experience in sales, I know having the ability to deal effectively with all types of people is not merely a positive element — it is an essential one. With your plans to expand into ____ market, a sales representative with a proven ability to meet with all types of people and to be able to assess and meet their immediate needs would be a great asset. In the past __ years, I have increased sales __… .."
5. Tell me a story?
Many interviewers like to hear 'stories' or examples from your work life. So pick something that is more usual than not (not the day of a plant explosion and you saved 10 lives!) but a story that shows how you handle yourself, handle difficult people or situations. Can you think on your feet? Do you adhere to the rules? Consider the type of organization you are aiming at, each has its own culture. Gear your stories to give the listener a feeling that you could fit in,you could do the job here.
6. How do you handle conflict?
Many interviewers like to hear 'stories' or examples from your work life. So pick something that is more usual than not (not the day of a plant explosion and you saved 10 lives!) but a story that shows how you handle yourself, handle difficult people or situations. Can you think on your feet? Do you adhere to the rules? Consider the type of organization you are aiming at, each has its own culture. Gear your stories to give the listener a feeling that you could fit in,you could do the job here.
7. If you are on a merry-go-round, what song would be playing? If you were going to be an animal on merry-go-round, what would you be?
You have found the unusual interviewer asking a rare question. Don't feel stupid just feel like you have run into a very unusual situation. If you are interviewing for a creative position, then the question is most appropriate because the interviewer may be attempting to evaluate your creativity and your ability to deal with an offbeat question. have fun with it. Give the question your focused attention and go with your instincts. Be ready to say why you chose the tune you did. Perhaps tell a brief story that reminds you of merry go rounds in your own experience. Or if you are really clueless give a song that you have always liked, has real meaning for you or is important for whatever reason and attach it to the merry go round but refocus the question to he importance of the song and make it brief but interesting "words tell but stories sell." As for the animal, give the animal that you want to be (even if you think the question is ridiculous and you really need this job) your total attention and focus. On the other hand, the person you are dealing with may not have a clue and just asked because he/she felt like it. We know one person who asks the question and feels it is meaningful. She is into Yoga and looks for the person to be thoughtful in response. We have never heard her say anyone was rejected because of the animal selected.
8. Describe a challenging work you had to face, and how you dealt with it?
Consider what would be the requirements of the 'new' job /organization and find something in your past that highlights a skill, experience or situation that might occur or be needed going forward. It is always a good idea to make lists in preparation for interviews. This will not only give you 'short stories' to relate in an interview, it will also bolster your confidence and target your job search.
9. Tell us about a project or a piece of research you have worked on while at university?
This is a question commonly asked at graduate recruitment interviews. The interviewers are not particularly concerned about which research/project you choose to give as an example, but are more interested in finding out the steps you took in completing the project/research. By examining 'why' and 'how' these steps were taken, the interviewers can get an idea of some of the skills you possess, and assess your ability to solve problems. Skills identified in your answer may include: preparation and planning, team work, time management, organizing and researching. Interviewers may also ask you to elaborate further on this issue by asking questions such as 'what did you learn from this project' and 'why do you consider this project to be an achievement
10. How do you get on with other people?
This question is asked to find out more about your social and interpersonal skills. Quote examples of past participation in teams, committees or community organizations. Avoid discussing reasons why you do not get on with certain people. This is a good opportunity to give evidence of any situations which you may have had to use skills of negotiation, motivation or conflict resolution.
11. What are the most important considerations for you in choosing a job?
Answer in terms of job objectives, training, experience available or future prospects. Do not answer in terms of pay or overseas travel or other indications of self rather than job interest.
12. What do you do in your spare time?
This is generally asked by employers seeking a fuller picture of you or to help you relax during the interview. Finding out about your other interests and leisure activities gives employers another opportunity to uncover skills and abilities which may not have been discussed. Other activities also give employers a chance to assess your enthusiasm, curiosity and quality of life.
13. Why did you choose to major in…?
Avoid the impression of aimlessness or uncertainty. It is fine to major in a subject because of your interests. However be willing to talk about this interest. Show evidence of knowledge, positive attitude towards study, and an understanding of skills and knowledge you have gained.
14. What do you think the employee's responsibilities are to the company?
As an employee you have several responsibilities to your employer. They are as follows: to perform a good day's work to be loyal to act as part of the team to value the relationship to earn the employer's trust to grow with a passion for the product/service
15. 10steps to a successful interview?
Answer :
- Arrive on time.
- Introduce yourself in a courteous manner.
- Read company materials while you wait.
- Have a firm handshake.
- Listen.
- Use body language to show interest.
- Smile, nod, give nonverbal feedback to the interviewer.
- Ask about the next step in the process.
- Thank the interviewer.
- Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to.
All the Best
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人妻だけどセフレ募集しちゃいます!こんな女嫌かなぁ?新しい刺激欲しいし旦那以外の男性としてみたいな。エッチのテクはそれなりに自信あるよ、フェラとか上手いってよく褒められます。年上は何歳まででもOKだけど年下は18歳までが限界かな、楽しみたい人いたら気軽によろしくね♪ enjoy-smile.of.happiness@docomo.ne.jp
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Source: Difficult interview questions
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I read this post 2 times. It is very useful.
Pls try to keep posting.
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